Credit: IIB Photography

Photo Credit: IIB Photography

Our Story

It began by taking a leap of faith on gathering like-minded professionals to advance their idea, product, services and/or hidden talents into an 'official' mode of business. An explosive mission for attendees to expand their network, blast off with practical branding pointers leaving the meeting room/ launchpad transformed, inspired and equipped to confidently send their voice and new presence into orbit. The Expedition mission, 3.2018 was successfully packaged, delivered and launched from the Guadalupe Meeting room, of the Sheraton West Hotel in Houston, Texas.

Expedition 3.2018

“The First Launch”

The mission of Expedition 3.2018 was scheduled and on the 17th of March, 17 women successfully launched and established a new trajectory during the Launch Your Influence workshop in a new Mission Control, the Guadalupe Meeting room, at the Sheraton Houston West.

Mindset is oftentimes an undermined activity, but we were able to decompose the causes of failed launches and discuss how to overcome our greatest assailant, Fear.  The ability to become 'Box-Crushers' was defined as the ability to annihilate the false appearances of being 'boxed in'. By re-engineering our thinking,  we were able to embrace the realization that WE ARE OUR BRAND without hesitation. The faith demonstrated in the room was not too far from being tangible.  Betty Malveo, owner of SMOOTH (Simply Moving Over Obstacles to Help) line dance stated it best "Faith is the vehicle that drives ahead and parks, waiting for YOU to drive". 

Author, Speaker and CEO of "Cupcakes and a Smile", Sharndell Lowe-Aitch deposited pockets of wisdom regarding her entrepreneurial journey. She reminded us of some simple rules to stay on the right trajectory-

 "Do not be broke and busy, be productive and profitable."  

"Care about how you look, don't accessorize it."  Ensure that we maintain the balance of image and delivering  quality service or product.

The Communication Expert literally took our voices and diaphragms to new dimensions! We are now comfortable and prepared to speak with clarity and control. Nicole Ford's power exercises easily equipped us for the public platform by teaching simplistic voice exercises, best practices and lessons learned for that one important meeting that you want to leave a solid impression. 

The invaluable Galaxy reviews conducted amongst the group fostered an environment of trust, while attendees were able to share suggestions and thoughts for considerations. The room oozed and leaked with electricity as the professional make-overs, conducted by Heather Collins unveiled the invisible souls who once welcomed being in the back, but was elegantly thrust into to the forefront in grace, poise and beauty. The Visibility Expert, Gisele Bonds emerged and was able to display a new reflection to a sometime overlooked heart. 

In summary, this explosive journey was packaged, delivered and launched inconspicuously from the Guadalupe Meeting room. Expedition 3.2018 mission is completed. The attendees were able to expand their network, blast off with practical branding pointers leaving the Guadalupe Meeting room launchpad transformed, inspired and equipped to confidently send their voice and new presence into orbit. 


First Launch Your Influence workshop (March 2018)