Tricia Vincent Tricia Vincent

Websites Helping Candidates Research Job Applicant Companies

Here are the 5 top websites job candidates can use when searching a company they want to apply to:

  1. Glassdoor: Glassdoor is a popular website that allows job seekers to research companies, read reviews from current and former employees, and view salary data for specific job titles.

  2. LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a social networking site for professionals that can be used to research companies and connect with current or former employees. You can also use LinkedIn to see if you have any mutual connections with people who work at the company.

  3. Indeed: Indeed is a job search website that also provides company reviews and ratings. You can learn more about a company's culture, salaries, and work-life balance through Indeed's company reviews.

  4. CareerBliss: CareerBliss is another job search website that offers company reviews and ratings. The site also provides salary data, company reviews and job listings for various industries.

  5. Company's official website: A company's official website is a great resource for learning more about their products, services, history, and mission. You can also see if the company has won any awards or has been featured in any news articles.

We have 2 bonus websites:

Yahoo Finance. Understanding a company's latest acquisitions, current news, financial state will provide you with great intel when the interviewers prompt you if you have any questions. Your answer is a strong 'YES' because you have done the due diligence and you are well prepared to provide a comprehensive, insightful question(s). An anonymous discussion board that allows participants to provide their glimpse of an organizations behavioral status. I know, I know this is an interesting one, you will have to have good discernment but the awareness that the grass is not always green on the other side has some validity to not being blind sided. Take the meat, and spit the bones out!

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Tricia Vincent Tricia Vincent

Q1 Report

Own your accomplishments, failures, and data.

Betting on Me in 2023: (Q1) Report

This year's theme, "Betting On Me in 2023" continues to drive, inspire, and activate our clients to their next best levels. The first 3 months of this year has been absolutely astounding as unprecedented events have shifted the job market.  The industry dynamics for employment is equally interesting. “In fact, an overwhelming majority (75%) of the nearly 7,000 workers that The Muse surveyed are looking to CHANGE jobs in the next 12 months—up from 65% in 2022. “ (source:

What have we learned?

We are seeing clients reach out to us to help them market their value in an innovative, polished manner that is genuine, credible and true to who they are while displaying their value to attract and capture a given audience for their desired outcomes. By creating prolific and professional digital digests for our clients, silently enabled and encouraged our community to ‘Show Up.’ Their increased confidence encouraged themselves as they were empowered to promote and show-off their portfolios.

Building an Executive Brand is owning your own data. Intimately understanding the value of your professional contributions to varying industries, sectors, departments and functions is critical. We are finding that in some cases, clients may not see how their daily activities roll up to the companies overall business strategy, which is fundamental in understanding how things work both tactically and strategically in ones domain area. Having this comprehensive realization, delineates ‘doers’ from ‘achievers. ’

Beyond the Vision: New Life Resolutions

Our LIVE webinar was the perfect way to kick-off 2023.  Our intimate setting of participants were engaged, and eager to learn. One attendee informed and thanked us saying "for helping me prepare my mind and giving me a guide to track my success."  Our post-event survey feedback indicated consistently that more frequent group calls and engagements are desired. So we are listening, and stay tuned to our next engagement in a few weeks!


You cannot bet on yourself, without 'showing up.'  So February, we released a bundle of digital downloads to equip job seekers with the right tools to "Show Up" in the job market.  Grab one of our Downloads

March Market Moves 

The need for our clients to ensure their digital portfolios, are equally matched to their physical presence allowed the promotion of engaging our special gem and communication advisor, Coach Nicole Ford. For those who need to finesse their speaking and engagements to any audience, check out the "Elevate Your Presence" package.

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Tricia Vincent Tricia Vincent

Opportunity and Preparation

Opportunity and Preparation

The doors of opportunity will open for you. It is up to YOU to be prepared.

Over the weekend, I found an email 14years ago, taking the leap of faith to leave a full-time position for a contractor role within a new industry. I had no background or formal education, around engineering nor within in oil and gas. Luckily for me, the Fortune 100 company brought me on because of my EXPERTISE. I realized that this opportunity was in direct alignment with my Life Plan. I had worked in manufacturing, finance, IT, Benefits and Transportation. The next industry that I wanted to immerse myself was either into was oil and gas or the government. My Life Plan required that I worked in a company that provided the structure and exposure of how to engage globally. Working at the bank was awesome, but I knew I was constrained by the very scope of the bank, not being international. They were local with some regional outlets, but nothing global already in place. I decided to move forward and pursue an opportunity in the oil and gas sector. I took a leap of faith and resigned from the bank and joined the oil and gas company and was a contractor for 5 years, until I was hired on Full-Time for an additional 8 years. This only occurred because of 2 things: Being Prepared and by having a Plan.

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Tricia Vincent Tricia Vincent

The Advocate

Do you have an Advocate?

Advocates, are our career influencers who have the ability to speak on your behalf with their network of decision makers.

In 2009, I was introduced to the 7 Levels of Revenue by Bishop Tudor Bismark. This particular Sunday, he was the guest speaker at the Potter’s House, with Bishop T.D. Jakes.

In summary, these are the levels: Wisdom, Vision, Information, Relationships, A good name, Property, and Money.   Today, I want to discuss relationships, specifically corporate relationships.

One’s career is a direct reflection of one key corporate currency, relationships. Corporate currency for promotions, demotions, no growth can all be associated to relationships. The value of a relationship, can easily outweigh economic/financial benefits. I quickly learned the following:

It is not WHAT you know

It is not WHO you know

It is who knows YOU.

This paradigm shift was mind-blowing to me! I realized looking back at my early years of my life; I did not know anybody and anybody who was influential- that knew anybody- had no idea who I was. The only thing working for me was I knew I was good at what I did, there was no DOUBT in my mind I could outwork anyone. But, what is the use of outworking and not progressing upward? During a pivotal time in my career, shifting from the role of a contractor to a full time employee was so exciting! New job, new opportunity, new beginnings, new energy! Then the newness quickly died, when a co-worker did not care for the ‘New’ kid on the block. I was intentional in getting guidance, advice, and direction on how to navigate this difficult relationship. She provided relational insight that has connected us to this day. Her guidance repositioned me to view things from my co-workers line of sight and in doing so, I was more quick to release grace then offense. In this scenario she functioned first as a mentor. A mentor, first level of influence, wants her mentee to succeed and is an expert in a certain space. She is in an expert in Project Management, and provided sound advice with the cultural dynamics within my role within the organization.  Her role quickly shifted as an Advocate, as she is a very, very influential person who has the attention and accessibility to a network of decision makers. As an advocate, she was the one that would mention my name for 'consideration' of a position. Advocates, are also mentors, however the distinction from a mentor is their exposure to high level relationships to those who have the political capital and authority.

In your professional journey, strive to genuinely align with those who can stretch and develop uncultivated areas within you. In the long term, it will be a win-win for all who are involved.

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Tricia Vincent Tricia Vincent

Corporate Connections

Having a polished portfolio without the right relationships, is like having an ocean full of sinking ships. Establish your professional connections today!

No man is an island unto himself. The principle of leadership is based on the premise of some dimension of human engagement with more than themselves. Name one person, in a viable position of leadership, who did not have a connection? John Maxwell’s book “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” has so many laws illustrating and confirming leadership based on influences, relations, connections, and circles. All person(s) within a leadership position did not make it on their own.

I believe there are three critical corporate connections essential to the progress, advancement and improvement for any professional growth. Whether you are an entrepreneur, employee, part-time hustler - these sometime silent, stealth connectors will alleviate so much noise for clarity to make sound decisions.

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